Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 232 - November 19th

Our church is putting together shoebox gifts for kids this year for Christmas that might not have anything to open Christmas morning. I thought it would be great for our family to do one. I went to the store and got lots of fun little items, but I couldn't decide on a boy or a girl, and rather to do a baby, toddler, or kid. So it figures, we have enough to fill 3 shoeboxes. Ginger and I are going to wrap the boxes up and pack each one carefully this weekend. I'm looking really forward to this. I'm so glad that Ginger is so into giving rather than getting. Don't get me wrong, she loves receiving gifts, but we make it our own little "quiet game". We try and give more every year than we get. She gets so excited when we give someone more than they give us. I love that! It warms my heart!

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