Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 116 - July 26th

After staying up until 4am scrapbooking, I was sure I'd sleep till noon. NOPE! Not me! I was feeling oh so good and in a mood to crop. I woke up about 8:30 and cropped and cropped until I had to stop to take my family home and feed them. We would have stayed another night if we could. Ging and I were happier than a snail on a skateboard when we're scrapbooking and Russell had spent the weekend gaming with Tim and the other husbands. But work tomorrow, so we headed home about 7pm. Got Ginger fed and in bed and I headed over to Chuck's house to feed Scarbo. Chuck is on a mini vacation with his Mom to Mississippi, even though he just did that 2 weeks ago. So we're watching Scarbo again. Scarbo loves to play, he's a happy puppy and reminds me of Chuck but I can't put my finger on it why he does.
Also at Chuck's house is his new tenant, Charolette. She fascinates me. She only comes out during night and hides during the day. Chuck told me she had moved in, so I knew what to expect when I came over. She's very focused on her work and never looked up at me. But she didn't seem to care that I was photographing her. I even used my macro and got really close to her. It didn't bother her one bit, but my heart was racing. I really did not want to startle her.

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