Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 100 - July 9th

DAY 100!!! That's just all sorts of an amazing miracle for me!! I've stuck to it for 100 days!! WHOOO HOOO!! Now on with the blog...

Day 100 had to be special. Why? I don't know why, it just seems like the cliche thing to do. What to photograph? This morning on they way to work I watched a storm roll in and it was absolutely amazing. You could actually see the line between the storm and blue skies. I just wanted to park my car and watch it roll in, but I didn't. I opted for shooting the storm while driving down the road. I know, I'm the poster child for car safety.

But tonight was Bunko!! What better way to spend Day 100 than with the women I've spent 8 years with. We had a scare that Bunko might be canceled. Valerie's sweet little Henry is very sick. (I hope he's feeling better today Val, we've been praying for him. He'll be up and running circles around you in no time.) Valerie was hosting Bunko tonight, but she was kind enough to protect us from the germies in her home and either cancel it or find another hostess.

DUHHH DUHHHH DUHHHH!!! (that's the sound of trumpets blazing!) JOY TO THE RESCUE!! Joy opened up her home and we had Bunko as planned! I took several shots eager to get the perfect POTD, but all I ended up with was a bunch of silly shots...which I realized...was perfect. Again, I love you gals! Oh and guess what!?! Ellen is pregnant! Congratulations Ellen! These are Val's hands, as "The Praying Hands", a gorgeous picture of our Pretty Tiffany, and Laurie didn't like the way she looked in this shot, so I cropped it a little, is that better La? (La, after staring for several minutes at the other picture of you and looking at your...ummmm....I decided it didn't make the cut) :o)

My Bunko girls exchanged names a couple of months ago for Secret Sisters. I won't give any clues here to who I may or may not have in case she does or does not read this blog. But my Secret Sister ROCKS!! She has totally spoiled me with a great organization book from Pottery Barn, an awesome frame, a smelly good thing that has kept my bathroom at a more tolerable level of breathable air, then tonight she gave me an awesome paint can filled with all my favorite goodies!! LOVE YOU! She keeps trying to fool me with ransom-type letters cut-out that I have to arrange into secret messages. She's clever. And funny thing is, she could be the one sitting right next to me helping me figure out the puzzles. AHHHHH! WHO ARE YOU??

Tonight when I got home and went to bed, something happened that happens every night...we couldn't go to sleep. Every night we are exhausted and turn in, then once we start talking in bed we become wide awake and goof-off for at least an hour. It's so fun but it makes us so tired in the mornings. We decided that our realities are finally better than our dreams, that's why we find it hard to go to sleep. It's a fun time full of laughter and catching up from the day. I wouldn't trade it for anything, not even an hour of sleep.

Side note...After Russ fell asleep, I was still awake and needing something to read. I grabbed my iPhone and caught up with the news and then played around on WebMD. According to WebMD, I have second degree burns from the sunburn. No wonder it's still so painful and red hot after a whole week. I'm on my 2nd layer of peeling and basically it feels like my skin is ripping open. I fell asleep before I could read on pain relief.


  1. Yay for post #100 and the fact that my mugshot is not on there, hahahaha. Thanks for the prayers -- last night was another horribly long night and this morning he was doing worse again, but now he is feeling much better and even ate a little, which he hasn't done since Tuesday. Hopefully that means a great weekend for us! :)

  2. Hey, I was sitting next to you! Guess I need to be a little sneakier, eh? I'm so jealous that you have 100 posts on consecutive days. I'm lucky to get a few done a month. Alas...
