Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 169 - September 17th

Bunko night! But not just a regular Bunko night! Our Bunko group went to a Bunko Fund Raiser for the MEND group. (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death). There were probably about 100 people there playing Bunko! It was so much fun! And our very own Bunko Gals were in charge of it! Way to go Erika and Lauryn! It was perfect! And from the looks of it, very successful!!

Our group had matching corsage flowers that Valerie made! Props to Val!! They were so cute! Our Bunko group has been rolling since 2002!! Well, that's when I joined anyway and I'm the oldest member. Not the OLDEST member, but the one that's been in the group the longest.

Shelley won a wooden wishing well in a raffle just because she was trying to be snotty and go up against me. She's a doll and gave it to me anyway! I traded her my loser prize. Yep, out of 100 people, I was the worst one. But that's good in Bunko terms! Mediocre is not where you want to land. Tiff won a precious little doll that Valerie donated and put in the raffle to raise money for MEND. It was a good time, with lots of laughs, new friends, lots of food, and lots of squealing "BUNKO!!!!"

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